Finally, the official box office collection report for Ajith’s Yennai Arindhaal has been revealed. The reports suggest that the film has done decent business in Tamil Nadu and Kerala but failed to beat the records of Kaththi, Lingaa and ‘I’ in Tamil Nadu on its first day.
There are huge expectations on the film considering the screen count and the pre-release promotions of the film. Based on its advance booking, experts predicted that the film will run with houseful theatres throughout the weekend, making Yennai Arindhaal an instant hit. By the end of this weekend, this latest movie of Ajith has every chance to create a new record for the biggest opening.
Tamil Nadu
As per reliable sources, Yennai Arindhaal has earned approximately Rs 11 Crore on its opening day with the net amount Rs 8.35 Crores and this film has failed to beat the collections of ‘I’, Kaththi and Lingaa. ‘I’ had earned Rs 7.4 Crores net in Tamil Nadu  on the opening day and Kaththi, Lingaa collected Rs 12.5 Crores and Rs 12.8 Crores net, respectively.
Yennai Arindhaal has earned Rs 1.65 Crores with the net amount Rs 1.32 Crores on its opening day in Kerala. Trade analyst Sridhar Pillai tweeted “#Yennai Arindhaal – Thursday – Kerala – Gross- Rs 1.65 Cr , Net -Rs 1.32. Best – 1. PVR (Kochi), 2. Shenoys (EKM), 3. Priyadarsini (Palakad)”.
This film also could not surpass the record of Vikram’s ‘I’ and Vijay’s Kaththi in Kerala. ‘I’ had collected Rs 2.5 Crores net on the first day and Kaththi had earned Rs 2.07 Crores its first day.


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