The Telugu dubbed version of Kaththi was supposed to release a few weeks after the Tamil version which came out on Oct 22 for Diwali. But due to the uncertainty over whether there would be a Telugu remake of the film, the dubbed version didn't release as planned. Names such as Pawan Kalyan, Junior NTR, Allu Arjun were thrown around but now it looks like the Telugu dubbed version would finally release.
A trusted source in the Telugu industry has updated that the Telugu version has been censored in Chennai yesterday, with a U certificate and with a run time of 2 hours 43 minutes. With this important formality completed, the film now looks all set to release soon. The final date is awaited.
Given the big success of the Tamil version and the presence of popular names in the film's cast and crew, the Telugu version can be expected to make an impact despite the really delayed release.
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