Looks like Ilayathalapathy Vijay is highly impressed with the team work of Puli. After gifting gold coins to the entire crew, now the actor has served delicious dinner to the Puli team. Earlier he threw a private dinner for Sridevi at home, on the day last of her shoot in Chennai.
The actor is said to be shooting for a peppy number for the past few days and yesterday, he has arranged for a special dinner to the entire crew of Puli.
Sources say that the team is super excited by Vijay's hospitality and all of them believe that the film will be a success which will give a different colour to Ilayathalapathy’s star image
Directed by Chimbu Devan, Puli has ensemble of star cast which includes Sridevi, Hansika, Shruthi Haasan, Sudheep, Prabhu, Thambi Ramaiah and many others.
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