The audio launch of Maan Karate was held at the Sathyam Cinemas in Chennai this morning, and director Shankar was the chief guest at the launch. A.R.Murugadoss, who is in charge of the story and is also co-producing the movie, was also present at the launch. All the speakers were profuse in their praise of composer Anirudh and lead hero Siva Karthikeyan. Shankar went on to add that Thuppakki is his favorite movie, expressing his admiration for
A.R.Murugadoss' skills as a writer.
Murugadoss also had good words for Anirudh and said that he had delivered his best for their current film with Vijay, which is under production.
A.R.Murugadoss' skills as a writer.
Murugadoss also had good words for Anirudh and said that he had delivered his best for their current film with Vijay, which is under production.
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